History through Homes: Middle Tennessee

Family Ties & Home Moves
Families with multiple HTH homes moves:
Mrs. H. L. Baker/ Bessie & Wilson Forsyth - From Royal Oaks to Longleat to Belle Meade area
Bransford family - From Edgewood to Deerfield
Craighead family - From Evergreen to Glen Echo
Adelicia Acklen - From Rokeby to Fairvue to Belmont
Elizabeth Berry Elliott Blackman Elliston - From Walnut Grove to Burlington
Cox family - From Owen-Cox House/ Maplelawn to Cox House @ Harpeth Academy
Judge Jacob McGavock Dickinson family - From Ensworth (Hayes St.) to Belle Meade Plant.
Gen. Jacob McGavock Dickinson family - From Travelers Rest to River Grange
Haun family - From Locust Valley to Braeburn
Betsy Howe - From Acklen Hall to Washington Hall
Kirkman family - From BelleVue (Franklin Rd.) to Oak Hill
Katherine Thompson Kirkman VanLeer - From Oak Hill to Elmington
McEwen family - From Everbright to Harris-McEwen House
Thompson family (C.A.R. & Katie Thompson) - Edgehill - dismantled and moved from 21st Ave. & Edgehill to Bowling Ave.
Cheek family - From Family downtown townhouse to Braeburn to Oak Hill
Lea family - From Lealand to Washington Hall
Edwin Warner family - From Renraw to Elmington to Brook Hill
Percy Warner family - From Renraw to Royal Oaks
Anna Russell Cole Weaver - From Colemere to Greystones
Ellen Stokes More Weymss - From Fairvue to River Grange to Three Terraces
Woodard family - From Woodard House/ The Beeches (Robertson Co.) to mansion at Division & Belmont (Davidson Co.) to East Ivy (Davidson Co.) to Bethel Place (Maury Co.)
Below are a list of family ties between homes on this HTH web site. I have tried to show as many connections between homes and family members as possible. If the reader is aware of corrections or more ties, please contact me.
Acklen Family - Davidson Co.
* Belmont - Col. Joseph A. Smith Acklen & Adelicia Hayes Franklin Acklen Cheatham (daughter of Hayes family of Rokeby, widow Isaac Franklin of Fairvue, Dr. Cheatham)
* Belmont - resided by did not own by Joseph Hayes Acklen (son of Joe & Adelicia Acklen)
* Acklen Hall/ Park - Joseph Hayes Acklen & Jeannette T. Acklen
* Fairvue - Isaac Franklin & Adelicia H. Franklin Cheatham
* Noelton/ Noel Place - Oscar French "Hoss" Noel (grandson of O.F. & Sarah Noel) & Jeannette T. Acklen Noel (daughter of J.H. & Jeannette Acklen)
Berry Family - Davidson & Sumner Co.
Elmwood - Dr. W. W. and Jane Elizabeth White Berry, Father & Mother
Elmwood - inherited by W.W. Jr. & Alice Mary Allen Berry
Elmwood - inherited by Emma Berry Cheatham (sister of W.W. Jr.) & Dr. Richard Cheatham (son of Dr. R. and Adelicia Hayes Acklen Cheatham)
Bradford-Berry House - Sarah Crosby Berry (daughter of Horatio & Nannie Berry - purchased by Horatio & Nannie but never resided in by Sarah
Hazel Path - Horatio (son of W.W. & Nannie Berry)
Tulip Grove (Poplar Grove) - Horatio & Nannie Berry
Rock Castle - Horatio & Nannie Berry
Tulip Grove - inherited by Jane Elizabeth Berry Buntin (daughter of W..W. & Nannie Berry) & Charles Erwin Buntin
Trousdale Place - Annie Berry Trousdale (daughter of W.W. & Nannie Berry)(sister of Horatio) & Julius A. Trousdale
Lynnwood - Frank Allen Berry (son of W.W. & Alice Berry) & Eleanor R. Berry
Cheek Family - Davidson Co.
West End townhouse became TN Governor Residence - Chris & Annie V. Leslie Cheek (daughter of KY Gov. Preston Leslie)
Frank Runyon House - Louis G. Wood & Huldah Wood (parents of Mabel Wood Cheek)
Cheekwood - Leslie Cheek (cousin of Chris & Joel Cheek) & Susan Erwin Glenn Cheek (daughter of James & Susan Glenn of Glen-Merritt House in Clarksville)
Oak Hill - John & Susan Cheek
Overton Hall/ Crieve Hall - Richie Cheek Farrell (daughter of Leslie & Mabel Cheek) & Herbert Farrell (brother of Norman Farrell of Burlington)
Sherwood Forst - Newman Cheek (cousin of Leslie) & Sarah Cheek
Westwood (Woodmont Bl) - Robert Cheek (son of Joel Cheek) & Helen Cheek
Cockrill Family
Traveler's Rest/ Richland - James & Ciddy Robertson
Westover - Mark Robertson Cockrill (relative of Franny Grieves Davis Harding) & Susan Collinsworth Cockrill
Mt. Solitude @ Cockrill Spring (Stock Place) - Mark R. & Susan Cockrill
Tulip Grove - Mark & Susan Cockrill for daughter Almira Jane Cockrill Watkins & William E. Watkins
Watkins Place/ Mt. Hickory - William E. Watkins & Almira Jane Cockrill Watkins
Mansfield - Benjamin F. Cockrill (son of Mark R. & Susan C. Cockrill) & Sallie Foster Cockrill
Hilltop - Ben Cockrill & Willie Christen Cockrill
Devon Farm - Harriett Cockrill (daughter of Mark Cockrill ) & Edward Dickson (E.D.) Hicks III
Woodlawn - Mary Hill Cockrill Kenner (daughter of Mark S. & Mary Hill Cockrill) & Duncan Kenner
Mansfield-Cheatham Home/ Simmons House - Julia Cockrill Cheatham (daughter of Mark & Sally Cockrill) & Edward Saunders Cheatham
Dickinson Family - Davidson & Williamson Co.
* Ensworth (Hayes St.) - Judge Jacob McGavock Dickinson & Martha Maxwell Overton Dickinson of Travellers Rest
Belle Meade Plantation - Judge Jacob M. Dickinson (2nd cousin of Elizabeth Harding) & Martha Overton Dickinson
Brightwood - Joseph Dickinson
Brightwood - inherited by Joe Dickinson
One Hundred Oaks - Joseph "Joe" Hamilton Thompson Dickinson (Thompson relative) & Billie Frank Dickinson, part time residents
One Hundred Oaks - inherited by Henry Joseph Dickinson, Jr. (son of Joe Dickinson) & Ida Hamilton Thompson Dickinson
Travellers Rest - Gen. Jacob Dickinson (son of Judge Jacob & Martha Dickinson) & Sally Perry Dickinson
River Grange - Gen. Jacob & Sally Dickinson
Polk Place - Gen. Dickinson purchased & torn down
Donelson Family - Davidson & Sumner Co.
Glen Echo @ Spring Hill - Mary Emily Donelson Walton (parents Stockly & Phila Anne Donelson) & Capt. William Walton
Westview/ Walton-Brown Home (Davidson Co.) - Mary Emily Donelson Walton & Capt William Walton (his 2nd wife)
The Hermitage - Rachel Donelson Jackson (daughter of John & Rachel Stockly Donelson) & Pres. Andrew Jackson
Tulip Grove - Andrew Jackson Donelson (nephew of Rachel Jackson) and Emily Tennessee Donelson Donelson (niece of Rachel Jackson)
Cleveland Hall - inherited from Stockly & Phila Donelson by Williiam Stockly Donelson & Alcie Win Donelson
Cleveland Hall - inherited by John Donelson & Elizabeth Donelson
Hillside - William Luther Bigelow Lawrence (brother of Phila Anne Lawrence) & Corinne Hayes Lawrence (of Hayes clan)
Clover Bottom - Dr. Jacob Hoggatt & Mary Ann Saunders (half-sister of Andrew Jackson Donelson)
Stone Hall - Angie Fields Cantrell Merritt Donelson & John Donelson III
Rock Castle - Tabitha Donelson Smith (sister of Stockly Donelson) & George Smith
Elliott & Elliston Families - Davidson & Sumner Co.
Wall Spring - George Elliott (brother of Charles) & Mary Odom Elliott (sister of Elizabeth)
Trousdale-Baskette House/ Maywood - George & Mary Elliott
Walnut Grove - Charles Elliott (brother of George) & Elizabeth Odom Elliott Blackman Elliston (sister of Mary)
Maple Grove (Sumner Co.) - James & Rhoda Odom, parents of the sisters & lived nearby
Home on 6th Ave. North (current Tennessee Performing Arts Center building) - Elizabeth Odom Elliston (daughter of Charles & Eliz. Odom) & Joseph T. Ellliston
Burlington - William R. Elliston (son of Joe & Eliz. Elliston) & Elizabeth Boddie Elliott Blackman Elliston; Josephine Elliston & Norman Farrell became part owners & moved in
Greenland - Rev. Alexander Little Page (A.L.P.) Green & Mary Ann Elliston (sister of William H. Elliston, niece of Joseph T. Elliston)
By Ma - Edward Buford & Lizinka Elliston Buford (daughter of William & Eliz. Elliston) bought share of Burlington & built their own mansion beside it
Franklin Family - Sumner & Davidson Co.
Fairvue (Fairview) Plantation - Isaac Franklin (brother of Albert) & Adelicia Hayes Franklin Acklen Cheatham (daughter of O. B. Hayes, et al; wife of Col. J. A. S. Acklen; wife Dr. William Cheatham; mother J. H. Acklen)
Kennesaw Farm - Albert Franklin (brother of Isaac) & Sally W. Franklin
Glass Family
S. F. Glass House/ Pleasant View - Samuel F. Glass, Jr. & Agnes W. Hunter Glass
Magnolia Hall - Wiliam H. Glass (son of Sam & Agnes Glass) & Mary Dedman Glass
Walnut Hill - William Glass & Mary Dedman Glass
Walnut Hill - inherited by Willie May Glass Polk (daughter of Wm. & Mary Glass) & Julius Polk (son of Lucius & Sally Polk of Maury Co.)
Guild Family
Rosemont - Judge Joseph Conn Guild & Katherine Mongomery Blackmore Guild
Guildwood - Betty Guild Smith (daughter of Judge Joe & Katherine Guild) & Co. Baxter Smith
Idlewild - Kittie Guild McKee Young (daughter of Judge Joe & Katherine Guild) & John M. McKee, Jr. Built by Kittie's parents.
Samuel Mayes Home - Joe Conn Guild of Chattanooga & Mary Orr (daughter of Robert & Ophelia Orr)
Sam. Mayes Home - inherited by Joseph "Jo" Conn Guild (great x3 grandson of Judge & Katherine Guild) & Sarah Lamb Nichols Guild
Harding Family
Belle Meade Plantation - John Harding & Susannah Shute Harding
Belle Meade - Gen. Willam Giles Harding (son of John & Susannah Harding) & (1) Mary Selena McNairy Harding/ (2) Elizabeth Irwin McGavock Harding (daughter of Randal & Sarah McGavock of Carnton)
Belle Meade - Selena Harding Jackson (daughter of W. G. & Mary S. Harding) & Gen. Wm Hicks "Red" Jackson
Belle Meade - Judge Jacob McGavock Dickinson (2nd cousin of Eliz. Harding) & Sally P. Dickinson
Clifflawn - Frank McGavock (son of David & Ellz. McGavock) & Amanda Harding McGavock (daughter of John & Susannah Harding)
Sylvan Hall/ Sugar Tree - Mary "Molly" DeMoville Harding Polk (relative of John & Sus. Harding) & James Hilliard Polk (of Rattle and Snap)
Sylvan Hall - William Perkins Harding (nephew of John & Sus. Harding, son of Thomas Jefferson & Eliz. Waller Bosley Harding) & Milbry Catherine Phillips Harding (daughter of Wm. Philips)
Two Rivers - Willie Harding (daughter of Wm & Eliz. Harding) & David H. McGavock. Built by Willie's parents.
Belair - Eliz. Harding Clay (daughter of John & Sus. Harding) & Joe Clay
Lynwood - Susan Harding McGavock (daughter of John & Sus. Harding) & William H. Smith
West Meade - Mary Eliz. Harding Jackson (daughter of W. G. & Mary S. Harding) & Hon. Howell Edmunds Jackson (brother of Wm Jackson)
Devon Farm (Harpeth & Oak Hill) - David Morris Harding (brother of John Harding, uncle of Gen. W.G. Harding) & Frances "Fanny" Gleaves Hicks Harding
Casa Loma - Eliz. Shute Spence (sister of John & Sus. Harding) & Brent Spence
McGavock-Gaines House - James Randal McGavock (son of Randal & Sarah McGavock, brother of Eliz., nephew of Lysander) & Louisa McGavock
Westover - David Morris Harding (brother of John Harding, uncle of W.G. Harding) & Fanny G. Davis Harding
Hayes Family
Rokeby - Oliver Bliss Hayes & Sarah "Sallie" Clements Hightower Hayes
Rokeby - inherited by Laura Hayes Shields (daughter of O. B. & Sallie Hayes) & George Washington Shields
Belmont - Adelicia Hayes Franklin Acklen Cheatham (daughter of O.B. & Sallie Hayes) & Col. Joseph Alexander Smith Acklen
Fairvue - Adelicia H Frankin Acklen Cheatham & Isaac Franklin
Acklen Hall - Joseph Hayes Acklen (son of Joe & Adelicia Acklen) & Jeannette Catherine Tillotson Acklen
Hillside - Corinne Hayes Lawrence (daughter of O.B. & Sallie Hayes) & William L. Bigelow Lawrence
Ensworth - Henry Martin Hayes (son of O.B. & Sallie Hayes) & Mary Lemira Boyd Hayes (daughter of Maj. John & Eliz. Boyd)
Wm Martin House/ Hayesland/ Boxwood - Oliver B. Hayes II (son of O.B. & Sallie Hayes) & Emily Crockett McGavock Hayes (daughter of Lysander & Emily McGavock)
Felix Compton House/ Seven Hills - Henry M. Hayes (son of O.B. & Sallie Hayes) & Mary Lemira Boyd Hayes (daughter of Maj. & Eliz. Boyd)
Lewis & Washington Families - Sumner, Davidson & Robertson Co.
Wessyngton - Joseph Edwin Washington & Mary "Polly" Cheatham Washington (daughter of Archer Cheatham; sister of Richard Cheatham of Mansfield-Cheatham House)
Wessyngton - inherited by George Augustine Washington (son of Joe & Polly Washington) & Margaret Adelaide Lewis (daughter of Lewis family of Fairfield)
Wessyngton - inherited by Joseph E. Washington (son of Joe & Polly Washington) & Mary Bolling Kemp Washington
Washington Hall - George A. Washington, Jr. (son of George & Margaret Washington) & Marina "Queenie" Kirkman Woods Washington
Glen Raven - Jane Washington Ewing (daughter of George & Margaret Washington) & Felix Grundy Ewing
Fairfield - Maj. William Tyrell Lewis, Jr. & Mary Ann Hopkins Lewis
Fairlfield - inherited by Margaret A. Lewis Lewis (daughter of Maj. Tyrell & Mary Lewis) & Maj. William Berkley Lewis
Frazer Hill - Mary Washington Frazer Williams (daughter of George & Margaret Washington) & James Stokes Frazer
Glencliff - Mary Washington Frazer Williiams (daughter of George & Margaret Washington, widow of J.S. Frazer) & David Shelby Williams
McKissack Family - Williamson & Davidson Co.
* William McKissack House - Col. William McKissack & (1) Rebecca Sallard McKissack, (2) Jeannette Susan Buxton Conglo (S.B.C.) McKissack
* William McKissack House - inherited by Eleanor W. McKissack (daughter of Wm McKissack) & Orville W. McKissack (her cousin)
* Rippaville - Susan Peters McKissack Cheairs (daughter of Wm McKissack) & Nathan Cheairs
* Woodlawn - Dr. Spivey McKissack (brother of Wm McKissack) & Susanna McKissack
* Mooreland - Dr. James McKissack Moore & Sarah Rush Cheairs Moore (daughter of Nathan & Susan Cheairs)
McGavock Family - Davidson Co. & Williamson Co.
David McGavock House - David McGavock & (1) Eliza McDowell McGavock/ (2) "Hubbie" Hubble McGavock
Carnton - Randal & Sarah Dickinson McGavock
Carnton - inherited by John McGavock (son of Randal & Sarah McGavock) & Carrie Elizabeth Winder McGavock
Carnton - inherited by Winder McGavock (son of John & Carrie McGavock) & Susie Ewing McGavock
Blue Fountain/ McGavock-Gatewood - James McGavock (nephew of John & Carrie McGavock) & Mary Kent McGavock
McGavock-Gaines/ Riverside - James Randal McGavock (son of Randal & Carrie McGavocki) & Louisa Caroline Chenault McGavock
Montpier - Joseph Hamilton Thompson Dickinson (grandson of Judge Joseph McGavock & Billie Frank S. Dickinson) - also owned Brightwoods
Windermere - Harriett "Hattie" Young McGavock Cowan (daughter of John & Carrie McGavock) & George Limerick Cowan
Windermere - purchased by Kay Heller & Rod Heller (great grandson of Carrie McGavock)
McGavock-Heyes Place/ Midway - Lysander McGavock Hayes (son of O.B. Hayes II & Eliz. Crockett McGavock) & Emily Crockett McGavock
William Martin House/ Hayesland/ Boxwood - Emily Crockett McGavock Hayes (daughter of Lysander & Eliz. McGavock) & Oliver B. Hayes II
Belle Meade Plantation - Gen. W. G. Harding & Eliz. Irwin McGavock (daughter of Randal & Carrie McGavock)
Belle Meade Plantation - purchased by Judge Jacob McGavock & Martha Maxwell Overton Dickinson
Travellers Rest - purchased by Gen. Jacob Dickinson & Sally P. Dickinson McGavock - was home of Sally's mother, Martha Overton
River Grange - Gen. Jacob McGavock & Mary D. McGavock
Woodlon - Randal McGavock Ewing (relative of Randal & Carrie McGavock) & Martha Vaulx Drake Ewing
Morgan Family
Avondale - Dr. William Henry Morgan & Sarah Ame Noel Morgan
Dunmore - Dr. Henry William Morgan (son of Wm H & Sarah Morgan) & Matilda "Tillie" A. Evans Morgan
Murfree Family - Robertson & Rutherford Co.
Grantlands - Fammy Noailles Murfree Dickerson (daughter of Col. Hardy & Sally Murfree) & David Dickerson
New Grantlands - Fanny Priscilla Dickinson Murfree (daughter of David & Fanny Murfree) & William Law Murfree
Oaklands - Sarah "Sallie" Harding Murfree Maney (daughter of Col. Hardy & Sally Murfree) & Dr. James Maney
Frazer Hill - James Stokes Frazer (gradson of Wm H. Murfree) & Mary Washington Frazer of the G. A. Washington family of Wessyngton)
Uxor Hill/ Bellwood - Lavinia Bremberry Murfree Burton (daughter of Col. Hardy & Sally Murfree) & Col. Frank Williams Burton
Noel Family
Noelton/ Noel Place - Oscar F. Noel & (1) Sallie G. Noel, (2) Sally T. P. Noel
Noelton - inherited by grandson Oscar F. Noel & Jeannette T. Ackline Noel (daughter of J. H. & Jeannette T. Acklen)
Noelton - purchased from estate by Frances B. Noel (widow of J. H. Noel)
Oman Family - Davidson & Williamson Co.
The Maples - John M. and Eliz. "Bessie" Oman
Boxwood - John M. and Bessie Oman
Maple Grove/ Sloan Home - John E. Sloan, Jr. & Delphine Oman Sloan ((daughter of John & Bessie Oman)
Ashlawn - Stirton Oman(son of John & Bessie Oman) & Elizabeth Frances Allen Oman
James Johnson House/ Thurso/ Isola Bella - John M. Sloan
Hillcote - Delphine Oman Sloan Roberts (widow of John Sloan) & Ken Roberts
Overton Family - Davidson Co. & Williamson Co.
Travellers Rest - Judge John Overton & Mary McConnell White Overton
Overton Hall/ Crieve Hall - Jessie Overton (grandson of John & Harriett Overton) & Saidee Cheney Williams Overton
Beauvoir - Saidee Cheney Williams Overton
Old Governors Mansion - Saidee C. Williams Overton (daughter of John & Eliz. Overton)
Brookland - John S. Claybrooke (nephew of Judge John Harriett Overton) & Mary Ann P. Claybrooke
Westview - Susan May Perkins (Overton relative) & Sam Fearn Perkins (member of Perkins clan)
Perkins Family - Davidson Co., Williamson Co.
Sneed Acres - James Perkins Sneed & Bethania Hardin Perkins Sneed
Foxview - James Perkins Sneed & Bethania Hardin Perkins Sneed
Hardin Perkins Bostick Home - Hardin Perkins Bostick & Margaret Rebecca Litton Bostick
Meeting of the Waters - Nicholas Perkins built for Magdalen O. Perkins Perkins (daughter) & Col. Thomas Hardin Perkins
Montpier - Thomas Hardin & Magdalen Perkins, then moved to Meeting of the Waters
Montpier - after T.H. Perkins moved, Nicholas "Bigbee" Perkins & Mary Hardin Perkins
River Grange - Nicholas Tate Perkins built for Mary Tate Perkins Moore (daughter) & Thomas Moore
Two Rivers - Nicholas Perkins & Nancy Ann Perkins
Walnut Hills - Nicholas Perkins built for Sarah Agatha Perkins Marr Ellis (daughter) & Nicholaus LaFayette Marr
Westview - Samuel Fearn Perkins & Sarah Leah Perkins
Westview/ Watson-Brown Home (Davidson Co.) - Ann Crockett Brown (relative of Samuel F Perkins) & J. P. Watts Brown
Winstead House - William O'Neal Perkins & Martha Elizabeth Perkins
Castlewood - Daniel Price Perkins (grandfather of Col. Nicholaus Tate Perkins) & Forence Perkins
Windy Hill - Constantine Perkins Sneed & Suzannah Perkins Hardeman Sneed
Locust Valley/ River Grange - Mary Tate Perkins Moore (daughter of Co. Nicholaus Tate & Lucy Perkins) & Thomas Moore
Brookland - Mary Ann Perkins Claybrooke & John Samuel Claybrooke
Pillow Family - Maury Co. & Davidson Co.
Pillow Place/ Rose Hill/ Pillow-Haliday House - Maj. Granville A. Pillow (son of Gideon Pillow Sr. and ) & Olivia D. Cheatham Pillow
Clifton Place - Gen. Gideon J. Pillow (son of Gideon Sr & ??) & Mary Pillow
Pillow-Bethell/ Bethell Place - Jerome B. Pillow (son of Gideon Sr. & ??) & Elvira Dale Pillow
Melrose - Cynthia Holland Pillow Saunders Brown (daughter of Gideon & Anne Pillow) & (1) John W. Saunders, (2) Gov. Aaron Venable Brown
Cherry Glen - Margaret Anne Pillow Wade (daughter of Gen. Gideon & Mary Pillow) & Col. Daniel Fountain Wade
Brentwood Hall - Margaret Trousdale Caldwell (great granddaughter of Gideon & Mary Polk PIllow, daughter of Mary Pillow & Col. Daniel Wade) & Rogers Caldwell
James K. Polk Famly - Davidson Co. & Maury Co.
Polk Home - Samuel and Jane Polk
Polk Place - President James "Jimmy" K. Polk (son of Samuel & Jane Polk) & Sarah Childress Polk
Mercer Hall - Ophelia Clara Polk Hayes (sister of J. K. Polk, daughter of Samuel & Jane Pollk) & Dr. John B. Hayes
Lynwood - Saidee Polk Fall Gardner (great granddaughter of J.K. & Sarah Polk) & Matt Gardner
William Polk Family - Davidson, Maury & Rutherford Co.
Rattle and Snap - George W. Polk
Hamilton Place - Lucius J. Polk & Mary Jane E. Polk
Ashwood Hall - Bishop Leonidas Polk (son of Col. Wm Polk) & Frances Ann Devereaux Polk
Ashwood Hall - purchased by Rebecca VanLeer Polk (sister of Eleanor VanLeer Kirkman of Oak Hill) & Andrew Jackson Polk (brother of Leonidas Polk)
Ashwood Hall - Rufus K. Polk & Margaret Philips Polk (daughter of Wm Phillips of Sylvan Hall)
Childress-Ray House - Mary Phillips Polk Childress (daughter of J.R. & Margaret Polk) & Maj. John W. Childress
Walnut Hill - Willie Mae Glass Polk (daughter of Wm H. & Mary D. Glass) & Wim Julius Polk (son of Lucius & Sally Polk)
Tammany Wood/ Riverwood - Sarah Polk Cooper Burch (greatx2 granddaughter of Lucius & Mary Polk) & Dr. Lucius E. Burch
Sylvan Hall - Molly DeMoville Harding Polk & James Hilliard Polk (son of G.W. Polk of Rattle and Snap)
Woodstock (2) - Sarah Polk Jones Bradford (daughter of Lucius & Mary Polk of Hamilton Pl.) & James Cowdon Bradford
Queener Family - Maury & Davidson Co.
Shadowlawn - Millard & Addie Queener
Shadowlawn - inherited by Lucille Frierson Queener Courtney (daughter of Millard & Addie Queener) & Robin S. Courtney
Brook Hill - Alyne Queener Armistead Massey (daughter of Millard & Addie Queener) & Jack C. Massey
George Webster House/ Liberty Hall/ Babcock House - Adelaide Queener (daughter of Millard & Addie Queener)
Shelby Family
Shelby Hall/ Fatherland (1) - Dr. John & Anna Maria Green Minnick Shelby
Boscobel - built by Shelby for daughter Anna Shelby Barrow & George Washington Barrow of Melrose
Fatherland (2) - built by Shelby for daughter Priscilla Williams Shelby Phelan & Judge John D. Phelan
Mile End - Dr. Joseph Planta & Ann Green Minnick (daughter of John & Ann Shelby)
Glencliff - Shelby Williams (great grandson of John & Anna Shelby) & Mary Washington Frazer Williams (daughter of G.A. & Margaret Washington)
Sloan Family - Davidson Co. & Williamson Co.
Maple Grove - John & Margaret Sloan
Maple Grove - inherited by John Sloan, Jr. & Delphine Oman Sloan
Hemlocks - Paul Sloan (son of John & Margaret, brother of John, Jr.)
Hillcote - Delphine Oman Sloan Roberts (daughter of Omans, widow of John Jr.) & Ken Roberts
Smith Famliy - Montgomery Co.
Smith-Trahern/ Queen of the Cumberland - Christopher "Kit" H. & Lucy D. Smith
Oak Top - Christopher K. Smith (nephew of Kit Smith) & Eva Hamer Smith
Smith-Hoffman/ Upland - William Cosby Smith & Jane Smith (daughter of Kit & Lucy Smith)
Sneed Family - Williamson Co.
Sneed Acres - James Sneed & Bethania Hardin Perkins Sneed
Windy Hill - Constantine and Suzannah Perkins Hardin Sneed
Foxview - Alexander W. Sneed (son of James & Bethania Sneed) & Eliz. Guthrie Sneed
Brentview Farm - William Temple Sneed (son of James & Bethania Sneed) & Eliz. Guinn Crichlow
Stokes Family
Tulip Grove - Thomas Ormsby Treanor & Mary Ellen A. Treanor
Breezemont @ Stokes Farm - Walter Stokes & Nellie Treanor Stokes (daugher of Thomas & Mary Treanor)
River Grange - Ellen More Stokes Wemyss (daughter of Thomas & Mary Treanor) & E. Livingfield More
Fairvue - William Hatch Wemyss & Ellen More Stokes Wemyss)
Three Terraces - Ellen Stokes More Wemyss
Warner Family
Renraw - James C. & Mary Thomas Williams Warner
Renraw - inherited by Percy Warner (son of James & Mary Warner) & Margaret "Money" Lindsley Warner (part of the Lindsley and McGavock families)
Overbrook - Joe Warner (son of James & Money Warner) & Lillian Black Warner
Royal Oaks - Percy & Money Warner (2nd home)
Ellington - Edwin Warner & Susan Richardon Hamilton Warner
Brook Hill - Edwin & Susan Warner (2nd ) home
Lealand - Luke Lea & (1) Mary Louise Warner, (2) "Percie" Warner Lea (daughters of Percy & Money Warner)
Deerfield - John Warner White, Sr. (grandson of Percy & Money Warner) & (1) Rose Marie Crain White, (2) Govan Davidison White, (3) Frances Dudley Brown Morgan White (daughter of Wm C. Fostkett & Frances M.D. Brown of West Meade)​
Washington Family - Robertson Co. & Sumner Co.
Wessyngton - Joseph E. Washington & Mary Cheatham Washington (daughter of Archer Cheatham, sister of Richard Cheatham)
Wessyngton - inherited by George Augustus Washington (son of Joe & Mary Washington) & (1) Margaret Adelaide Lewis Washington (daughter of Maj. Wm B. Lewis), (2) Jane Smith Lewis
Glen Raven - Jane Washington Ewing (daughter of G. A. & Mary Washington) & Felix Grundy Ewing
Washington Hall - George A. Washington, Jr. (son of G.A. & Mary Washington) & Marina "Queenie" Kirkman Woods Washington (daughter of Robert & Marina Woods)
Weakley Family
Fairfax Hall - Samuel Weakley & Sarah Vaughn Weakley
Lockeland - Robert Weakley & Elizabeth C. Weakley
Lockeland - inherited by Robert Locke Weakley, Jr. (son of Robt & Eliz. Weakley) & Jane Weakley
Weaver Family
Greystones - Henrietta Weaver Jackson (daughter of Thom. & Martha Weaver) & James Granberry Jackson, Jr.
Kingsley - Thomas Seawell King & Delia King
Kingsley - inherited by Frances Louise King Weaver (daughter of Thomas & Delia King) & Dempsey Weaver
Kingsley - inherited by Mary Weaver Harris (daughter of Thom. & Delia Wever) & Joseph Edwards Harris
Colemere - Anna Russell Cole Weaver (daughter of E.W. Cole) & Dempsey Weaver, Jr. (grandson of Dempsey Weaver)
Sevenoaks - Thomas Shadrack Weaver (son of Dempsey & Frances Weaver) & Martha Strong Cheatham Weaver
Wilson Family - Williamson Co.
Ravenswood - James H. Wilson II & Emeline Wilson
Oak Hall - James & Emeline built for son Samuel S. Wilson & Lucy Ann Marshall Weaver Wilson
Oak Hall - after Sam died, Lucy Ann married his brother Franklin S. Wilson
Oak Hall - inherited by Frances Emeline Mobley Wilson Carr
Oak Hall - purchased by Jimmy Wilson III & Sarah Wilson
Harpeth/ INglehamme - James & Emeline built for son James III & Virginina Pocahantas Zollicoffer Wilson (daughter of CSA Gen. Felix K. Zollicoffer & Louisa Pocahantas Gordon Zollicoffer of Maury Co.)