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Maury County
Maury County is in south central Middle Tennessee. The county is named for Abram Maury, Sr., a Middle TN politician, and was established in 1807. The county seat is Columbia and the main towns are Columbia, Santa Fe, Spring Hill among others. In the 1920s, the Columbia area was wealthy enough for leaders to think it could be considered for the state capital.
Maury Co. and Columbia are famous for hosting Mule Day. The tradition started in the 1840s and was made official in 1934 - it has grown to a weekend of festivities and a parade in Columbia.
Skipwith Hall/ Oakwood Hall - 1816
Dr. Samuel Mayes House/ Old Mayes Place - 1818
Walnut Grove/ Sabra Lawrence House - 1824
Mulberry Hill/ Meadowlands - 1828
Hamilton Place/ Yolk-Yeatman Home - 1832
William McKissack House - 1834
George Webster House/ Babcock Home/ Liberty Hall - 1844
Pillow Place/ Rose Hill/ Pillow-Haliday Place - 1845
Rattle and Snap/ Oakwood Hall - 1845

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