Near Granny White Pike and Lone Oak Rd. Nashville, TN
Mid-1880s. 3-story Victorian home

Built in the country southeast of the future Green Hills commercial area and directly south of the soon-to-be David Lipscomb College, Mistletoe Lodge was built by (William) Eugene Talbot (1873-1936) and Clara Higgins Talbot. Talbot was president of Talbot Chemical Company.
They resided on their large property near the turn of the nineteenth century sited near the present Granny White Pike and Lone Oak Rd. Their estate may have encompassed the current sites of Harding Rd/ Battery Lane in the south; Granny White Pike in the east; Shackleford Lane to the north and Lone Oak to the west. After selling their country estate, the Talbots moved to 1812 Broad St.
In 1906, John Trotwood Moore (1858-1929) and his second wife Mary Brown Daniel Moore (1875-1957) moved from Maury County and purchased the property. [Moore’s first wife was Florence Allen (1861-1896) who married him in 1885.] He married Mary Brown in 1900. Earning a reputation as a writer and man of letters, he was appointed state librarian and archivist in 1919. Through collecting historical documents and writing about Tennessee history in various publications, he greatly contributed to historical heritage in Tennessee. He was co-author of a four-volume history, “Tennessee, the Volunteer State.” After Moore’s death, Mary Brown continued his work and was living at the estate in 1936 and likely resided there until her death.
The home was torn down in 1967 and sold to Metro Government to build John Trotwood Moore School which opened in 1969. Another part of the property was sold to Samuel A. Wilson who used it as a cattle farm. Wilson had owned a children’s shoe store selling Buster Brown shoes. Wilson sold the farm in 1972 to Sheridan Construction Co. which began building the state’s second condominium development, named Arden Place. The Talbott family had called the home Mistletoe Lodge for the mistletoe found in trees on the grounds; the Moore family changed it to Arden Place.