1616 Central Ave. Memphis, TN
Circa 1853. Original was a clapboard home

Image from Historic Memphis
Judge William Roland Harris (1803-1858) and Evaline Parson Harris (1815-1893) lived on Central Ave. They married in 1830. They built the clapboard home which was remodeled with a brick facade about 1925.
It is the oldest home on Central Ave. and originally had 40 acres. Clanlo and Rozelle House were only homes at the creation of the Central Gardens neighborhood.
Judge Harris was born in Montgomery Co. and lived in different places in Tennessee. His maternal grandfather was Col. George Davidson - “The Father of North Carolina.” His brother was TN Gov. Isham Harris. Evaline’s parents were a wealthy planter family from Paris, TN. In 1836, he was appointed and served on the Tennessee NInth Circuit court until 1845. Afterward, he moved to Memphis and returned to private practice in 1851. He was then appointed to a seat on the common Law and Chancery Court serving from 1851-54. Judge Harris was a successful businessman as well with various interests and a cotton plantation in Arkansas.

In 1954, Lois Elizabeth Sawyer Schwamm (1900-1969) purchased the Harris House. She was the widow of Edward Otto Schwamm and resided there with her two daughters, Lois Claire (1920-2011) and Ann. She renamed the home Clanlo Hall from the first 2 letters of the three women living there.
The property was sold in 2017. The family is remembered with Clanlo Dr.