535 East Main St. Jackson, TN
Circa 1880. 2.5 story Queen Anne style
The literally self-built house of the Wisdom House.
From the Library of Congress
John Lee Wisdom (1850-1926) and Lucy Katherine “Kate” Meriwether Wisdom (1860-1949) built the home. He was president of First National Bank. Because a building contractor complained the plans were too complex, Wisdom built it himself - and finished it in a year! They had the first telephone and first hardwood floors in Jackson. And one of the first running-water bathtubs.
John Lee Wisdom, Jr. (1881-1954) and Patty Long Wisdom (1887-1975) wed in 1908 and inherited the home. John was also president of First National Bank.
Then Ray Meriwether Wisdom (1890-1954) and Eva Mae Cox Oglesby Wisdom (1905-1990) married in 1953. Ray was president of Second National Bank. He was a partner in Caldwell-Wisdom Insurance Co., secretary of the Hollywood Cemetery Association, vice-president of First Federal and Savings Association, treasurer of Jackson Packing Co. and vice-president of the West Tennessee Gas Company.